AI for Liver Cancer Diagnosis


Arterys – Liver cancer (MRI, CT) diagnosis and MRI heart interpretation


Arterys Liver AI efficiently and effectively measures and tracks liver lesions and enables a visualization, longitudinal tracking and quicker volumetric segmentation. These three capabilities when coupled with a user-friendly interface leads to a better workflow management, meaning not only faster processing, but more accurate decision-making process too.


Computational Omic Analysis Tool (COAT) - AI for Liver Cancer Detection


DARC Labs / Domingo AI Research Center Inc.

The general objective of this project is to utilize the recent progress in omics research and leverage on AI capabilities to develop the Computational Omic Analysis Tool (COAT), an AI-driven computational tool that can ingest massive genomic data, ultrasound images, serum biomarkers and other clinical information. Based on the nature of the data predictors, various AI algorithms will be developed to establish correlation between each data type and the propensity of the patient to develop liver cancer.

Furthermore, these predictive models will be combined to come up with a comprehensive and integrated model that can be used by the clinicians to quantify the risks of patients to develop liver cancer.





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